Council Mission
The Home Care Aide Council, Inc. (formerly the Massachusetts Council for Home Care Aide Services, Inc.), founded in 1967, is a nonprofit trade association established to promote the growth of home care aide services, encourage the provision of quality care, and provide information about the service. The Council is committed to enhancing quality of care throughout the home care industry by focusing on the advancement of the home care aide workforce.

Council Purpose
The Purpose of the Council shall be to:
- Establish Standards of Best Practice for Home Care Aide Services in Massachusetts for certified, non-certified and private pay home care agencies
- Develop publications and other resources home care agencies can use to ensure that their organizations comply with laws and regulations governing home care aide services
- Inform our members of changes to home care aides policies and procedures on both the state and federal levels which impact their operations
- Advocate for the needs of the home care aide workforce at the state, federal and local levels
- Partner with the workforce development community to provide access to career development opportunities and grants to the home care aide workforce
- Educate our leaders on the needs of the home care industry (including home care aides, home care clients, and home care agencies) and the link between the workforce and quality of care
- Provide education and training opportunity to our members and their staff
Adopted by the Board of the Massachusetts Council for Home Care Aide Services, January 2011